About Merlin's Magic Wand
Magical experiences:
Merlin's Magic Wand children's charity has been delivering magical experiences to children who need them most in the communities around Merlin attractions for over 10 years!
Magical Days Out:
Our Magical Days Out programme offers a single, free day out for children to enjoy at the Merlin attraction of their choice. We gift free tickets to children and their families through our partnership with Merlin Entertainments, as well as offering tickets to hundreds of charity partners and organisations who gift these tickets on our behalf to children who need them.

Magic on Tour:
Our Magic On Tour programme allows us totake the magic of the Merlin attractions tochildren who are unable to attend inperson. We work with characters,attractions, artists, zoo team members,everyone! And we visit children who needit most, by bringing magic and fun to life inperson, and more recently we've offeredthis exclusive programme digitally.
Merlin's Magic Spaces:
Our Magic Spaces programme transforms areaswhere children spend a lot of time, includinghospitals, hospices, orphanages and schools,into engaging spaces! Any Merlin attraction cannominate a space to be transformed, workingwith us to redesign and create themed areas,bringing magic to every day.
For more information visit www.merlinsmagicwand.org/